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clinical studies
TRICA study
Advancing Postoperative Care: TRICA Study on Remote Early Warning Scoring (REWS) Using Wearable Biosensor: Healthdot
PEACH study
The PEACH Trial is a prospective, single-center, preference-based randomized study evaluating the effectiveness of Healthdot.
pressure study
Catharina Eindhoven - Pressure Study is a prospective data-collection study focused on developing, optimizing, and verifying the technical performance of a new PPG-based algorithm for continuous blood pressure (BP) measurement within the viQtor device.
SWITCH study
the SWITCH study is an observational, single-center clinical trial designed to evaluate the implementation of the Healthdot, a smart monitoring device, in a surgical ward at the CZE.
Savant zorg study
This single-center, observational cohort study, in partnership with Savant Zorg, evaluates the usability and acceptance of smartQare's viQtor Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) solution in a real-world setting during home-based blood transfusions.
validating viQtor’s vital sign measurements
This single-center prospective observational study aims to train, refine, and validate a new respiratory rate (RR) algorithm for the viQtor device. It will also validate the ..
evaluating continuous monitoring
The Radboudumc Clinical Feasibility Study is a study evaluating the transition from hospital to home for patients using the viQtor continuous monitoring device.
study Máxima MC
Heart failure management often requires frequent monitoring of vital signs to prevent deterioration and ensure timely intervention. This study aims to assess how continuous monitoring devices like viQtor ....
evaluating continuous monitoring implementation in surgical wards
Continuous monitoring plays a crucial role in optimizing post-surgical care by ensuring real-time assessment of patient health and early detection of complications.