whitepaper Savant study
User Validation of the viQtor RPM solution during Home-Based Blood Transfusions; a promising advancement in home care.
Background: Blood transfusions for cancer patients are increasingly being administered at the patient’s home to reduce hospital burden and increase patient comfort. However, the presence of a nurse throughout the transfusion period is mandatory despite of the very low risk of apparatus malfunction, sensitivity reactions, or an acute haemolytic transfusion reaction. The viQtor wearable enables continuous remote monitoring of important vital signs (Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, and Oxygen saturation), potentially allowing nurses to leave the patient's side, thereby improving efficiency and relieving the burden on ever increasing limited nursing resources.
Objective: This study aims to evaluate the usability and acceptance of the viQtor wearable among patients and nurses during home-based blood transfusions. Methods: In an eight-week single-center qualitative cohort study conducted with Savant Zorg in Southeast Brabant, the Netherlands, seven patients receiving home-based blood transfusions were monitored using standard care, supplemented by the viQtor RPM solution. Semi-structured interviews with patients and a focus group with seven nurses provided insights into their use perspectives. Supporting thematic analyses were separately conducted to assess usability and acceptance of the viQtor RPM solution based on patient and nurse experiences.
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