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clinical resources
TRICA study
Advancing Postoperative Care: TRICA Study on Remote Early Warning Scoring (REWS) Using Wearable Biosensor: Healthdot
PEACH study
The PEACH Trial is a prospective, single-center, preference-based randomized study evaluating the effectiveness of Healthdot.
pressure study
Catharina Eindhoven - Pressure Study is a prospective data-collection study focused on developing, optimizing, and verifying the technical performance of a new PPG-based algorithm for continuous blood pressure (BP) measurement within the viQtor device.
SWITCH study
the SWITCH study is an observational, single-center clinical trial designed to evaluate the implementation of the Healthdot, a smart monitoring device, in a surgical ward at the CZE.
Savant zorg study
This single-center, observational cohort study, in partnership with Savant Zorg, evaluates the usability and acceptance of smartQare's viQtor Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) solution in a real-world setting during home-based blood transfusions.
validating viQtor’s vital sign measurements
This single-center prospective observational study aims to train, refine, and validate a new respiratory rate (RR) algorithm for the viQtor device. It will also validate the ..
evaluating continuous monitoring
The Radboudumc Clinical Feasibility Study is a study evaluating the transition from hospital to home for patients using the viQtor continuous monitoring device.