Postbariatric EArly discharge Controlled by Healthdot (PEACH) trial: study protocol for a preference-based randomized trial



Performing bariatric surgery in a daycare setting has a potential reduction in hospital costs and increase in patients’ satisfaction. Although the feasibility and safety of such care pathway has already been proven, its implementation is hampered by concerns about timely detection of short-term complications. This study is designed to evaluate a combined outcome measurement in outpatient bariatric surgery supplemented by a novel wireless remote monitoring system versus current standard of care.

Methods and analysis

A total of 200 patients with multidisciplinary team approval for primary bariatric surgery will be assigned based on their preference to one of two postoperative trajectories: (1) standard of in-hospital care with discharge on the first postoperative day or (2) same day discharge with ongoing telemonitoring up to 7 days after surgery. The device (Healthdot R Philips) transfers heart rate, respiration rate, activity, and body posture of the patient continuously by LoRaWan network to our hospital’s dashboard (Philips Guardian). The primary outcome is a composite outcome measure within 30days postoperative based on mortality, mild and severe complications, readmission, and prolonged length-of-stay. Secondary outcomes include patients’ satisfaction and data handling dimensions.

Trial registration NCT04754893, Registered on 12 February 2021.

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