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empowering Qare from hospital to home
automated monitoring with Healthdot facilitates early discharge, enhances patient safety, and ensures convenience for patients while reducing workload and stress for healthcare providers.
enable early discharge
Healthdot simplifies the transition from hospital to home, ensuring ongoing patient monitoring while freeing up hospital beds. Clinicians receive precise, real-time data, allowing for proactive care and early detection of potential complications. This approach has proven effective for post-operative recovery, especially bariatric (f.e. TRICA & PEACH study) and abdominal surgeries.

get to know healthdot
how it works
Healthdot is a lightweight, single-use wearable biosensor equipped with advanced 3D accelerometer technology. It continuously captures heart rate, respiratory rate, posture, and movement, providing clinicians with real-time, actionable data.
Designed for comfort and reliability, it ensures seamless monitoring without disrupting the patient’s daily activities. By combining high-quality data collection with effortless usability, Healthdot empowers healthcare providers to deliver precise, proactive care—anywhere, always.