smartQare has developed viQtor, a unique multisensor solution for 24-hour remote monitoring and diagnostics of risk groups. A relevant and affordable tool that puts people first and helps healthcare professionals to organize the care process for patients effectively and efficiently. The solution consists of:

  • a comfortable portable medical device with various sensors
  • an online platform that receives and securely processes the measured values
  • a mobile app.

For patients: more quality of life

viQtor is intended to deliver better care outcomes for patients and thereby improve the quality of life. viQtor ensures faster intervention in the event of a fall, an alert or a decline in vital values. In the future, viQtor can also predict deterioration and medical risks (such as a fall) based on smart algorithms. This allows us to prevent medical problems and medical care.

For healthcare professionals: 24/7 monitoring of vital functions

ViQtor also has many advantages for healthcare professionals: the system retrieves relevant data 24/7 and thus provides continuous insight into how the patient is doing. Monitoring can not only take place at patients' homes, viQtor also offers possibilities for patients in a hospital or nursing bed.
Due to the constant flow of patient or client data, deterioration is quickly visible. Early intervention can prevent acute care. Fewer human actions are required to make the measurements. Repeat visits can be reduced and care becomes more and better plannable and less acute. In addition, all data is directly available in the patient file. This makes healthcare more efficient – and that is sorely needed.

For carers: providing help when it is needed

With viQtor it is easier to give informal care a role. With the right protocols, informal caregivers can be involved in the handling of alerts or incidents. This prevents expensive care when it is not directly necessary.

How viQtor works

The device is worn on the upper arm and continuously takes reliable measurements of heart rate, oxygen saturation and skin temperature. These measurements are send directly to the viQtor platform via the Vodafone mobile network using the latest low-power protocols: NB-IoT/LTE-M. No additional mobile or gateway is required to make a secure connection to the viQtor platform.

Authorized healthcare professionals can follow all sensor measurements (almost) in real time via a dashboard. When trend values show deviations and/or indicate increasing health risks, the doctor receives a push message so that appropriate interventions can be initiated.

Well-being monitor

viQtor not only measures a number of vital values, but also has other important functionalities:

  • Registration of a fall accident. In this way help can be called in immediately in the event of a fall. Thanks to the highly accurate positioning via Galileo (European network of satellites) and GPS, the patients location can be precisely determined.
  • Manual alerts. Is a wearer not feeling well or does he/she want medical help? Then all he/she has to do is press the help button. It is quite possible to give informal care givers a role in this. This way the patient or client gets the help they need – a safe idea. Moreover, scarce and expensive care can be avoided.

Smart features

  • viQtor is energy efficient
  • Great wearing comfort
  • viQtor is shower-proof and thus can be worn in the bathroom

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