Wonderful news: smartQare has been awarded the following grants:

  1. Bio-Curity, a (European) grant for the development of a solution for early detection and personalized treatment of metabolic syndrome in a secure and trusted (digital) environment.
    Turkish - Dutch consortium together with DEMCON, LUMC, TNO, Imec, TUe, among others,
  2. MIT R&D South Holland, a Dutch grant for the (continued) development of interactive help with Telemonitoring.
    Partnership with Freesense Solutions.

There are several reasons why grants are of interest to smartQare.

First, of course, financial support for further development of our solution is very welcome. With additional funding, we can develop faster and more broadly, enabling us to convert users' wishes into viQtor's functionality more quickly, thus enabling our solution to add even more value in healthcare.

In addition to improving and supplementing existing functions, we are also working on new algorithms, with a predictive function, on the basis of which future care needs can be determined, for example, a fall risk score and predictors of clinical deterioration. The potential of these types of algorithms for prevention is great. Prevention is the way not only to provide smarter and more effective care, but also to provide less care. Turning off the tap instead of mopping up.

Subsidies give smartQare the opportunity to develop our solution in that direction.

Secondly, in many cases subsidies are provided to a partnership, a consortium of various parties, for example several suppliers and end users. This fits perfectly with smartQare's vision that we have not developed a stand-alone solution, but that the most added value arises when parties can reinforce each other in the field and together arrive at a complete proposition (1 + 1 = 3). Starting with the joint application, an intensive collaboration between the parties in a consortium develops, which benefits the outcome for all stakeholders.

In some cases, foreign parties are also involved in a consortium. Technological solutions benefit from scale: only with sufficient scale do the benefits of technology deployment outweigh the costs. The CE certification, which viQtor obtained in the summer of 2022, allows deployment throughout Europe. Within a consortium, deployment of viQtor outside the Netherlands can be accelerated.

A grant application is an intensive and time-consuming process with no guaranteed outcome. There is always a careful selection of plans and parties from which the most is expected. A grant award is therefore also a confirmation of the experts' confidence in the parties involved and in the plans for further development and their added value.

We are delighted that our applications for these grants have been rewarded.
We are working hard to achieve maximum results with these projects.