In-hospital monitoring

In traditional hospital workflows, patients in the general ward and patients transitioning from the ICU to the general ward are typically monitored through a combination of periodic spot checks and clinical observations. Nurses manually measure vital signs, usually conducted 3 to 6 times a day, every 4 - 8 hours. This approach has limitations, as it relies on the timing of checks and staff availability, which can lead to gaps in monitoring, especially between checks.  

Spot check monitoring presents several challenges:

  • Gaps in Vital Sign Monitoring: The change from continuous to intermittent monitoring increases the risk of unnoticed clinical deterioration, potentially delaying crucial interventions.

  • Increased Clinical WorkloadSpot checks can take up to fifteen minutes per patient per day. With multiple patients assigned to each healthcare professional, this adds significant stress and reduces the ability to deliver timely care.

  • Inconsistent Data: Spot checks provide snapshots rather than continuous data, which can lead to inconsistent monitoring and gaps in patient information, potentially affecting the accuracy of care decisions.
  • Patient Disturbance: Regular manual checks can disturb patients’ rest, particularly at night, which can negatively impact recovery and comfort.

  • Limited Resources: Staff shortages and high patient volumes can make it difficult to perform timely spot checks for all patients, potentially delaying interventions when needed.

Advanced general ward monitoring

Hospitals are increasingly adopting automated or continuous monitoring systems to bridge these gaps, which provide real-time data and reduce the reliance on intermittent checks, allowing for earlier detection of patient deterioration and more timely interventions. 

smartQare introduces advanced and innovative solutions for patient monitoring in general wards, providing automated, continuous patient monitoring. By analyzing vital sign trends, healthcare professionals can predict the risk of clinical deterioration and intervene promptly.

SmartQare's solutions offer the following benefits in the general ward monitoring:

  • Trend Monitoring: viQtor and Qaredot continuously capture and analyze vital signs, providing healthcare teams with crucial trend data. This enables early detection of potential complications, ensuring timely interventions to avoid escalation.
  • Reduced ICU Readmissions: Continuous patient monitoring allows healthcare providers to identify early signs of deterioration. Real-time detection helps reduce the risk of ICU readmissions by enabling prompt clinical responses to emerging complications.
  • Reduce workload for nurses: By automating the collection and reporting of vital signs, viQtor and Qaredot significantly reduce the need for manual spot checks. This saves time, reduces the risk of human error, and allows nurses to focus more on direct patient care.

In-hospital monitoring  Hospital at Home monitoring  Home monitoring