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Mobile Healthcare Festival 2024
On November 6, 2024, smartQare, together with our partners GrafiMedics and Philips, participated in the 13th Mobile Healthcare Festival in Den Bosch.
usa here we come...
Since 1967, CES Las Vegas has become the global stage for innovation. Every year, more than 180,000 participants from more than 160 countries gather here. Technological innovations, both for B2C and B2B, are showcased at CES to potential customers, partners, investors and global media.
Minnesota and Seattle trip report
In the week of 16-20 April, de Brabantse Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (BOM), OostNL and Liof organised a trade mission to Medical Alley in Minnesota in the US. 17 Innovative MedTech companies were invited to an inspiring programme in the premier MedTech hotspot of the US, and smartQare was there!