evaluating continuous monitoring
Evaluating Continuous Monitoring from ICU to Home: Radboudumc Feasibility Study on viQtor’s Early Warning Scoring System
Collaboration with Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc)
Study Overview
The Radboudumc Clinical Feasibility Study is a study evaluating the transition from hospital to home for patients using the viQtor continuous monitoring device. This study aims to assess viQtor's accuracy and acceptability in a real-world setting.
Key Participants
- 40 patients transitioning from the ICU to the general ward and potentially to home.
Primary Objectives
- To evaluate the predictive accuracy of viQtor's Continuous Early Warning Score (c-EWS) in detecting clinical deterioration among patients transferred from the ICU to the general ward. This includes determining the appropriate cutoff values for the c-EWS to match the sensitivity and specificity of the manually collected Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS).
- To assess the acceptability of the viQtor device from the perspectives of both patients and nurses, focusing on comfort, safety, potential for future use, and identifying facilitators, barriers, and areas for improvement.
Expected Results and Benefits
The study will provide insights into the effectiveness of viQtor's c-EWS in early detection of clinical deterioration, along with valuable feedback on the device’s usability and acceptability, guiding future implementation in real-world settings.
Study Duration
Start: May 2024
Status: Ongoing. Final inclusion expected in december 2024.