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smartQare is working hard on the technical roadmap that expands the capabilities of viQtor, making viQtor even more relevant to existing and also new use cases/users.

Central theme of the roadmap activities is development of specific scores, such as the early warning score (EWS) and a fall risk score. As a healthcare provider, you not only want to be able to see information about the patient, but you also want to know when this information triggers (protocol-defined) action. That's what these scores are for.

As the first new functionality and part of the EWS, respiratory rate (RR) is being developed and its implementation is planned for this spring. We are also working on further internationalization of our portal, think about adding different languages and time zones.

We have already taken steps to certify the bluetooth functionality for interfacing with other devices, such as weight scales. And in parallel we are expanding and further improving the user interfaces of both the web portal and the mobile app.

Another big step for this year is going to be the development of non-invasive blood pressure measurement and heart rate variability (HRV) and the addition of a new body temperature sensor. And in addition, interoperability with patient (or client) records.

Lots to do this year! Good to know that we are prioritizing the further development of viQtor based on wishes from healthcare providers. For this further development we are working closely together with university hospitals and other parties and we can benefit from granted subsidies.