With the CE marking, viQtor is ready for use. The first phase is now to demonstrate the value of viQtor in practice in relatively small-scale pilots. To this end, we enter into partnerships with various (innovative) healthcare institutions.

Sensire already ran a third 'testing ground' in October/November. This time our solution has been tested with all facets, including monitoring of vital values. Medical Service Center NAAST-ZCN has monitored the measured values received and, where necessary, initiated action according to protocols drawn up for this purpose. Approx. 20 Sensire clients from the Zevenaar region participated in this pilot project. At the moment, all results and feedback are being collected and processed into an evaluation report. Based on this outcome, we will take further steps with Sensire.

Two new research projects will start in January

One project with the LUMC (Leiden University Medical Centre), department Anesthesiology:
We will be conducting a study with patients at the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) together with them. In this unit, patients are admitted, who need more monitoring and/or treatment after surgery than can be given on the nursing ward. For example after a major operation or based on a physical condition, usually due to heart or lung problems. We will investigate whether these patients can also be safely monitored with viQtor on a regular ward, therefore could be released earlier from the PACU unit. PACU beds are scarce and expensive. This way, viQtor can very directly add value to the healthcare system.

Another project is with a general practice Huisartsenpraktijk Meuwissen, van Ballegooijen en Vosseberg in Wageningen.

Together with GP Michel Meuwissen, also a member of our medical Advisory Board, we will monitor patients with more severe COPD.
We are investigating whether we can detect the deterioration of these patients through monitoring and whether we can prevent further deterioration and possible hospitalization by means of early intervention (eg with medication or lifestyle modification).

Jeroen Kortsmit, our Clinical Affairs manager, supervises these studies.
The results of these studies will form the basis for further roll-out of the use of viQtor at other institutions.