With the CE certification obtained by smartQare in August 2022, viQtor can be used as a monitoring solution for healthcare within the EU.

Based on specific characteristics, such as geographical distribution of residents and care locations, financing/insurance system, capacity shortages, etc., several European countries are interesting for smartQare to explore for the possibilities of 24/7 monitoring. This is why smartQare participated in the trade mission organized by Task Force Health Care to Denmark and Sweden in March.

During this visit, various healthcare parties in Denmark and Sweden were visited, such as public and private hospitals, research institutes and healthcare networks.


Denmark is characterized by an open and transparent culture with an interest in International collaborations. The Danish healthcare system is in transition to cope with rising costs and an aging population. Digitization and new technology are seen as enablers for accessibility, affordability and quality of care. Hospital care is shifting from inpatient to outpatient and from in-hospital to at-home and digital. Sustainability is getting increasingly on the agenda of hospitals.


The culture, challenges and transitions in healthcare in Sweden are similar to Denmark (and the Netherlands). Connected healthcare is one of the focus areas of digitization in Sweden because extensive decentralization in the healthcare system and regional dispersion bring additional challenges regarding communication in the healthcare system.

More and more private providers are emerging in elderly care in Sweden. For innovation and organization of elderly care, Sweden is watching with interest the developments in the Netherlands.

This trip was a great success for smartQare. The healthcare providers visited really see monitoring of patients in the hospital and at home as a solution to existing challenges and were positively surprised by the functions and portability of viQtor.

In the next newsletter we will report on the experiences and outcomes of this mission in more detail.